Grow is a social competency program based on the premise that all students will benefit from:
- Student collaboration and wellbeing in a mixed-aged setting;
- Increased understanding and awareness of the school values and student code of conduct;
- Using a platform of consistent language and approach to student welfare that they can practice both in the classroom, at play times and at home;
- Discussions and activities that build resilience and develop student leadership;
- An increased sense of community in their environment;
- The establishment of a multi-age support group for students during their time at our school.
The Program Format
Every student at our school is a part of a Grow group made up of 15-16 other students from Foundation to Grade 6. A mentor teacher (not necessarily their own class teacher) meets with the group on a Monday afternoon during Terms 2 and 3. Grade 6 students and their allocated Students remain with the assigned mentor teacher and their group during their stay at our school, with Foundation student replacing the graduating Grade 6 students. All teaching staff including class teachers, specialist teachers, the Assistant Principal and the Principal are mentor teachers.
During the Grow sessions students discuss the definition of each school value, talk about the meaning of other words associated with the values to develop a common language. Circle time is followed with a participative activity, where students have an opportunity to model that particular social competency or value. At the end of the session the group reflect on our discussion points and talk about how they can model these values in the classroom, outside and at home.