The English program at Camp Hill Primary School will provide opportunities for each child to:
- Speak, listen, read, and write effectively with confidence, purpose, and enjoyment through immersion in planned reading, writing, speaking and listening activities
- Grow in confidence when communicating with others
- Develop an understanding of how to use language appropriate to the social situation
- Develop understanding of the structure of different genre and use them in writing
- Discuss and analyse texts and language critically
- Develop a fluent Victorian Cursive Script writing style
Camp Hill PS uses the 6+ traits to guide our students to become effective and engaging writers
- Organisation
- Ideas
- Word Choice
- Presentation
Camp Hill PS uses the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum and Benchmark Reading Assessment Kits to support the delivery of the Reading and Viewing curriculum.
Timetabling ensures a daily two hour Literacy program providing focused teaching of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening skills in all year levels.
In Foundation – Year 2 classes, the literacy block will be timetabled for the first two hours of each school day. In Years 3-6 classes, the literacy block will be timetabled 11.25 -1.25 pm of each school day.